15 Foods to Reduce Histamine Levels in the Body

Histamines are natural chemicals produced by the immune system that play a vital role in our body’s defense against allergens and pathogens. However, for some individuals, an overabundance of histamines can lead to allergic reactions and discomfort. In this article, we will delve into the relationship between histamines and allergies, as well as provide a list of 15 foods that can help lower histamine levels naturally.

Histamines and Allergies

When your body detects a potential threat, such as an allergen, it releases histamines as part of the immune response. Histamines work by dilating blood vessels, increasing mucus production, and triggering inflammation to protect your body. However, in individuals with allergies, the immune system mistakenly identifies harmless substances (such as pollen, pet dander, or certain foods) as threats, leading to an exaggerated histamine release and allergic reactions. Common symptoms include sneezing, itching, hives, runny nose, watery eyes, and even more severe reactions in severe cases.

Lowering Histamine Levels through Diet

While antihistamine medications are commonly used to manage allergies, dietary modifications can also help regulate histamine levels in the body. Certain foods are known to contain high levels of histamine or trigger the release of histamines, contributing to allergic symptoms. On the other hand, there are foods that have antihistamine properties or can help inhibit histamine release, providing relief for individuals with histamine intolerance or allergies.

15 foods that can help lower histamine levels in the body

1. Fresh Vegetables: Opt for fresh vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, kale, spinach, and asparagus, as they are rich in quercetin, a natural antihistamine.

2. Fresh Fruits: Enjoy fresh fruits such as berries, apples, pears, and citrus fruits, which are packed with vitamin C, a potent antihistamine.

3. Ginger: Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, ginger can help alleviate allergy symptoms and inhibit histamine release.

4. Turmeric: The active compound curcumin in turmeric possesses anti-allergic properties and can help reduce histamine levels.

5. Green Tea: Sip on green tea, which contains catechins that have been found to block the release of histamines.

6. Probiotic-rich Foods: Incorporate probiotic-rich foods like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi into your diet to promote a healthy gut microbiome, which can help regulate histamine metabolism.

7. Quinoa: This gluten-free grain alternative is low in histamine and can be used as a substitute for higher histamine grains like wheat or corn.

8. Wild-Caught Fish: Opt for fresh, wild-caught fish like salmon or trout, which are lower in histamine compared to canned or processed fish.

9. Lean Meats: Choose fresh, lean meats like chicken, turkey, or grass-fed beef, as they generally have lower histamine levels.

10. Olive Oil: Use olive oil in your cooking as it contains oleuropein, a compound that has been shown to have antihistamine effects.

11. Chamomile: Enjoy a soothing cup of chamomile tea, known for its calming properties and potential to reduce allergic reactions.

12. Nettle Leaf: Nettle leaf tea or supplements are believed to possess antihistamine properties and can provide relief for seasonal allergies.

13. Pineapple: This tropical fruit contains an enzyme called bromelain, which may help alleviate nasal congestion and reduce histamine levels.

14. Garlic: Incorporate garlic into your meals as it contains quercetin, which has been shown to have antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effects.

15. Fresh Dairy Alternatives: If you prefer dairy alternatives, choose fresh almond milk, coconut milk, or oat milk that are lower in histamines.


Understanding histamines and their role in allergies is crucial for managing symptoms and improving overall well-being. While it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice, incorporating these 15 histamine-lowering foods into your diet may provide relief for individuals with histamine intolerance or allergies. By making conscious choices about the foods we consume, we can support our body’s natural mechanisms and reduce histamine-related discomfort, promoting a healthier and more enjoyable lifestyle.

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